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Aircraft classes
Weight class
Plan base
Plan professional
Plan First Class
Plane First Class Diamond
Plan First Class Robin
Plane Nano Graphene
MTOW up to 600 kg
1911.76 €
MTOW 600-800 kg
MTOW 800-1800 kg
MTOW 1800- 3500 kg
MTOW 3500-5700 kg
MTOW 5700-14000 Kg
Helicopter classes
Weight class
Plan base
Plan professional
Plan First Class
Plane First Class Diamond
Plane First Class Robin
Plane Nano Graphene
MTOW up to 600 kg
1911.76 €
MTOW 600-1300Kg
MTOW 1300-1800 Kg
MTOW 1800- 3500 kg
MTOW 3500-5400 kg
MTOW 5400-12000 Kg
Aircraft class interior preparation
Weight class
Interior cleaning expert
Interior cleaning VIP
MTOW up to 600 kg
MTOW 600-800 kg
MTOW 800-1800 kg
MTOW 1800- 3500 kg
MTOW 3500-5700 kg
MTOW 5700-14000 Kg
Helicopter class interior preparation
Weight class
Interior cleaning expert
Interior cleaning VIP
MTOW up to 1300 kg
MTOW 1300-1800 Kg
MTOW 1800-3500 Kg
MTOW 3500- 5400 kg
MTOW 5400-12000 Kg
Helicopter classes
Weight class
Plan base
Plan professional
Plan First Class
Plane First Class Diamond
Plane First Class Robin
Plane Nano Graphene
MTOW up to 600 kg
1911.76 €
MTOW 600-1300Kg
MTOW 1300-1800 Kg
MTOW 1800- 3500 kg
MTOW 3500-5400 kg
MTOW 5400-12000 Kg
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